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You’ve implemented a social media strategy. Now what? You’re spending all of your time tweeting, pinning, Facebooking, watching and posting YouTube videos and blogging. The big wigs are going to ask: is this an expense we should continue with? What is our return on investment?

There are many tools out there to help you measure your social media efforts. I’ve reviewed several of them that were not mentioned in the course notes and the following grabbed my attention.

SocMetrics is a free influencer platform using a web-based tool that allows organizations to identify existing influencers for your target market, understand who these influencers are, engage and converse with them to help drive your message, and monitor and analyze your social media campaign.

Taken from SocMetrics website

Some of the uses of SocMetrics are:

  1. Influencer outreach
  • Pinpoint the right influencers
  • Validate them
  • Build a list based on your goals. You can even share your list and notes with your customers.
  1. Campaign ROI analytics
  • From your list, start reaching out and turn on the “monitoring” tool
  • View the reporting of your campaign ROI.
  1. Competitive influence report
  • Compare multiple brands in your market
  • Drill down for detailed information including who your competitors’ influencers are
  1. Crisis management
  • Identify the most valuable influencers you need to respond to
  • Learn your influencer’s profile so that you can tailor your message
  • Build relationships with your influencers

TweetReach has basic (free) and pro (paid) options. It’s a tool that allows you to see how far your tweets travel. It tracks how many times you’ve been retweeted and shared, therefore making it easy for you to measure your Twitter campaign. You can use the reports to analyze tweets about hashtags, brand or URL you’ve tweeted about and get social analytics on reach, exposure, tweets and contributors. TweetReach simplifies the way your social media/twitter efforts get measured.

Facebook Insights is a free service built into your Facebook page. It provides data on user interaction, demographics, fan reach, consumption of content and user growth. By analyzing the trends, businesses can connect the dots to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of their campaign.

Unilyzer is a paid service that allows you to analyze which social networks are best for which campaigns. It automatically retrieves data from a variety of social media platforms and organizes the data into a dashboard to make it easier to monitor your social media marketing. It tracks social network size, growth rate and referral visitors as well as provides a side-by-side comparison of social networks so you can easily see which ones are contributing the most visitors.

Taken from Unilyzer website

Social media analytics tools can give you a lot of data. But if you don’t do anything with it, there is no purpose. What you do with the data is key in determining the success of your current social web strategy. Listen to the data – for example, if you have a lot of customer complaints, this could be an indication of an area your organization needs to improve on. If your customers are making suggestions, perhaps you should consider them. It’s one thing to monitor your data, it’s another to do something about it. Make it worth your investment on social media and do something with the information.

What do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and what happens after the data analytics are done.